Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Pros are people who rock other peoples socks, ALL the time. Pros can be any body, just wait, till you here them talk. If they introduse themselves as ''Hi, I'm So and So, and I am Pro'ly Skilled!'' You can safely say they are Pros. Lots of people pretend to be pros but if you watch them, they show their non-pro side. THAT side can be pretty ugly, so watch out! Some people get trained by Pros that are Pro'ly Skilled, to be Pros themselves. I have to admit I was trained myself, and now I am so pro that I leak Profullness!

Since some people reading my blog, in my area want to be Pro, then I am making a list of Pros that I know are safe, look down below!

1.Coven and Elizabeth (me)
2.Jade and Kelsey
4.Erica and Foster
5.Kyndi and Jenn

Now for the people you cant trust...

2.Adults who arent Mr.Carson
4.People who are nerds
6.Cartoon characters

Now that you are Pro smart, you can survive the world in a more Pro'ly way!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Friends are an important thing in life. Without friends the world would crumble. There would be lots of fights, and there would be no other people because no one would love each other. People like Tom and Jerry should learn to love one and other! Fighting results in nothing. Cat's and Dog's, musturd and ketchup, salt and pepper, Brittany Spears and hair, Michael Jackson and normality. All of them should get along. Friend's can solve problems, but start them too. So if you want to learn about fights- go to Maddie's blog at


And Canada...