Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Presants.

Should kids these days get presants on Easter? Not chocolate this, and chocolate that, but the presants you get on your Birthday, or Christmas? Mabye just 1 or 2 presants? Or have it just the same with just chocolate? My opinion is to just have 1 or 2 presants to keep it simple. Having
too many presants might make your parents think your greedy, or selfish. Mabye they won't have the money and they sell your computer? Also what about if they think that you might get spoiled and give you only a few presants on Christmas? Kids love getting presants, and this is the best deal. Overall you get more presants than usual, and that means more entertainment, and less boredom. You want to have fun, right? Then think about it. Comment below!! And if your nice, follow!

Choices: I agree
I don't agree
we should get lots or presants
I think we should just get chocolate



  1. i dont care about how many preasents i get gust about who gave it to me and what it is.and if i got chocolate all time i wou;d get sick. as i only like a littel chocolate.

  2. I dont realy care about chocolate or presants it would depend who gave it and why.

    I am weird like that
