My name is Elizabeth Barr, and I go to Mt. Pleasant school. I have soooo many best friends, like Jade Boron, and Kelsey Cooper. I like to listen to music, draw, go on the computer, play on the Wii, and read. I have blonde hair, and I'm short. My favorite animal is a cat, and my favorite Youtube Accounts are iJustine, and Shane Dawson. My favorite websites are,, and My favorite book series is Harry Potter, and my favorite movie is probably also Harry Potter. My favorite singer is Lady Gaga, and I want to be important when I'm older.
Hi, welcome to my Blog. All I want is for people to have fun and maybe follow, or post a comment! This Blog is about random things, and I will be posting a lot. I like music (Lady Gaga, Hedley, Owl City, and such) and I have tons of best friends, like Kelsey Cooper, and Jade Boron. Me and Kelsey like ninjas, and more serious things, and me and Jade like sugar, and more crazy things. My favorite animal is cats, and my favourite colour is Purple! I go to Mt. Pleasant public school, and I am usually happy. So all I ask is for a few comments, and maybe afollower or 2!